The French Voice Tech Association

Data and voice services platform

About Le Voice Lab

The Voice Lab is a French association that brings together various institutional players (universities, research laboratories, etc.) and private companies whose common interest is to create an independent ecosystem and common standards to enable France and Europe to remain competitive at a global voice market level. It is also aimed to respond to strategic challenges of large groups and governments that are not compatible with the use of American or Chinese solutions.

A marketplace to consolidate French and European voice actors

Enable the French and European voice ecosystem to compete on a global level.

An alternative solution to gafam/batx

To give an alternative to the existing solutions by proposing APIs and powerful services based on voice technology.


Create a European marketplace for voice services. A voice data hub in a neutral and secure space. Create a speech recognition engine.

 4,7 M € – Le Voice Lab grows

The Voice Lab has taken a major step forward in the development of an independent voice offer, thanks to a €4.7 millions grant from BPI France. Winner of the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA) and of the call for projects “Mutualization of resources at the service of industries and digital platforms”, the Voice Lab’s objective is to contribute to the development of a Data Marketplace for voice services and to promote the sharing of voice data on a national scale.


Our actions

  • Build and distribute speech corpora to train AI algorithms for speech recognition
  • Take into account accents, regional and international dialects
  • Disseminate and train the corpora to the French-speaking community (274 million speakers)
  • Create a marketplace to store, browse, clean, enrich and use the data, design standardized APIs, offer voice services

Our approach

Gathering existing corpus through private and public partnerships.

Implementation of enrichment and annotation tools.

Extension of the corpus by creating new campaigns.

Creation of specialized corpus adapted to the members’ profiles.

The voice assistants market is expected to reach

$35 Billions by 2024

Installed Base of Smart Speakers in 2018


Yearly Growth

Value of the IVS market in 2020

Our Manifesto

The creation of voice applications, and in particular voice assistants, requires the implementation, sometimes complex, of many technical bricks (ASR, NLU, NLP, TTS, applications,…). And this whether they work on specific terminals intended for the general public (Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home,…), on specialized terminals (cars, home automation systems,…) or on mobile terminals (smartphones, tablets,…).

“Le Voice Lab is a unique opportunity to revitalize the Voice ecosystem in France and consolidate our energies to shine at a global level. France is blessed with immense talent and we owe it to ourselves to offer them a platform to shine.»
Mr Karel Bourgois


“Federating public and private players in the VOICE and AI ecosystem in France and Europe with The Voice Lab is the only way to offer an alternative with a complete solution to manage data, proposing standardized APIs and services that are both ethical and efficient.”
Mrs Katya Lainé


The Community

The components of the Platform


STT (Speech to Text) and TTS (Text to Speech) engines

Services: APIs etc..

Speech engine

The Voice Tech Challenges 

Trusted hosting


Privacy respect

Join Le Voice Lab

You too can participate in Le Voice Lab, whether you are a startup, a large company or a research laboratory.